Date: 7th March 2013
Carrie Fisher has confirmed she will be reprising her role as Princess Leia in at least one of the new Star Wars films.
Disney, which bought Lucasfilm last year, plans to make Episodes VII, VIII and IX, as well as several spin-off movies based on some of the characters in the Star Wars universe.
Fisher, 56, played Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan in the original three films - Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi.
She also appeared as Princess Leia in The Star Wars Holiday Special, a 1978 TV special that introduced new character Boba Fett.
Fisher - who refers to herself as an "old bag" - told Palm Beach Illustrated her character had aged as well.
She said of Leia: "She's in an intergalactic old folks' home."
"I just think she would be just like she was before, only slower and less inclined to be up for the big battle."
She said she would still be sporting her trademark "bagel buns" - her hair plaited in coils over each ear.
Fisher said: "The bagel buns and the bikini, because probably she has Sundowners' Syndrome."
"At sundown, she thinks that she's 20-something. And she puts it on and gets institutionalised."
She will not be alone as her former co-star Harrison Ford will also be returning as Han Solo in Star Wars: Episode VII.
Episodes VII, VIII and IX are being made over a roughly six-year period starting in 2015, along with the standalone films.
In Return Of The Jedi, it was revealed that Princess Leia is the twin sister of Luke Skywalker - and thus Darth Vader's daughter.
In the Star Wars prequels, her mother is identified as Padmé Amidala.
Source: Press Release
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