Date: 9th April 2003

Jude Law 'Gets 10million Dollar Movie Offer'

Jude Law is in negotiations to sign his biggest film deal to date - starring in a modern day remake of Alfie.

The 1966 romantic comedy centred on a womanizer, who is forced to rethink his superficial existence.

According to reports, Law has been made a $10 million (£6.5 million) offer from Paramount.

The role of Alfie was played by Michael Caine in the original.

Law is also set to recreate another of Caine's roles in a remake of the Anthony Shaffer play Sleuth for scripwirter Harold Pinter.

It is thought that the new version of Alfie will keep the character's thoughts on women, sex and relationships but has been made more contemporary to reflect the 21st century, reports

Source: Ananova

Source: Press Release