Date: 24th May 2001

Bruce, Demi and The Porn Queen

'Jealous' DEMI MOORE ruined her ex-husband BRUCE WILLIS's raunchy romance - according to Bruce's porn star lover.

ALISHA KLASS, star of such carnal classics as MISSION TO URANUS and TUSHY HEAVEN, claims she dumped Willis after G.I. JANE (1997) star Moore "got involved and was causing some problems" between them.

Alisha says, "She came running after Bruce pretty quick after I got there. If they get back together and make a family, I think that would be great. I'm not in love with Bruce. It was all fun for me and now it's over. "

Besides romping with her ex-husband, Klass claims to have bedded Demi's former fiancee EMILIO ESTEVEZ. She adds, "I guess I slept with Demi's ex-fiancee and ex-husband! Yeah, I'm sure it doesn't help. " (NFA/WNWCPS)

Source: WENN