Date: 25th August 2000

Gay Snatch Star Loved Wearing Brad's Knickers

SNATCH star PAUL O'BOYLE shocked BRAD PITT, GUY RICHIE and VINNIE JONES when he came out during filming - and admits he lived every gay man's dream by wearing Brad's underpants on set.

The actor has revealed his sexuality to prevent journalists outing him - and was amused when he told his famous friends. He says, "I hadn't told them for ages, then we were in a car together leaving the set and I was flying out to Tunisia the following day. I told them I was going away with my partner and they asked what her name was. "I said it was GARETH and they say 'That's a funny name for a girl' and I said 'Yeah it probably is for a girl - but she's a he."

And he loved swapping knickers with Brad midway through the shoot. Paul adds, "
Brad was given white Y-fronts and I had these purple and brown Paisley ones. When he saw my pants he begged me for them. So he got my pants and I got his which I can say, as a screaming great poof, has to be every man's dream."


Source: WENN



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