Time & Tide (2000) - Details

AKA : Seunlau Ngaklau
AKA : Shun Lau Ngaak Lau
AKA : Shun4 Liu2 Ni4 Liu2
AKA : Time and Tide

Time & Tide

Tyler (Nicholas Tse) is a restless, streetwise 21-year-old Hong Kong native who's had trouble gaining the trust of others all his life. He secretly fantasizes about skipping town and living the good life in some remote South American paradise. After a chance encounter with Jo, an undercover policewoman (Cathy Chui), he learns that she is pregnant, and is forced to deal with the reality of impending fatherhood. Desperate for cash, Tyler joins a bodyguard company, only to find that he must do battle with one of his associates…

Running Time

