Walking Tall (2004) - Details

When a former member of the U.S. Army Special Forces returns to his small hometown in rural Washington State to revive his family's lumber mill business, he discovers that much has changed, as the normally tranquil town is now besieged by drugs, outbreaks of violence and a general feeling of malaise and terror, with many pointing a finger at the influence of a crooked casino where his ex-girlfriend now works as a dancer. Seeking to wreak vengeance, with a four-foot-long 2-by-4 in his hand, and righteousness in his heart, the highly-trained soldier, now the county's sheriff, and his deputy, realizes it's time to bust some heads with a very hard piece of wood.
Action / Adventure / Crime / Drama
- 2nd April 2004 - US Release
- 9th April 2004 - Canada Release
- 6th May 2004 - Germany Release
- 13th May 2004 - Netherlands Release
- 1st July 2004 - Czech Repulic Release
- 9th July 2004 - UK Release
- 22nd July 2004 - Russia Release
- 8th September 2004 - France Release