Date: 27th February 2014
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is to star in To Walk the Clouds, a film adaptation of the documentary Man on Wire, about the man who tightrope-walked between the World Trade Centre towers in 1974.
Man on Wire, which won an Oscar and a Bafta in 2009, documented how Philippe Petit's months of planning resulted in the risky, illegal stunt in New York.
Robert Zemeckis is co-writing the script and will direct, Variety said.
The film is set to be released in 3D.
Gordon-Levitt, 33, said of his role: "Mesdames et Messieurs, it's official. I will have the distinct honour of working for Mr Robert Zemeckis!"
The former child actor has appeared in films including Looper, Lincoln, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises and 500 Days of Summer.
He also wrote, starred in and directed 2013's Don Jon (2013), about a young man who, while devoted to his family, friends and faith, finds that his pornography addiction is stopping him from finding a real relationship. The film co-starred Scarlett Johansson and Julianne Moore.
Source: Press Release
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