Date: 9th September 2001
Actress THORA BIRCH knows how to assert herself - she landed her latest film role when she told the director he had no choice but to hire her. The AMERICAN BEAUTY (1999) star, who stars as ENID in GHOST WORLD (2001), say she still doesn't know how she found the courage to tell director TERRY ZWIGOFF she was necessary to his movie.
Birch was originally asked to play Enid's best friend Rebecca in the movie, which also stars Steve Buscemi and Scarlett Johansson. She says, "They originally wanted me to play Rebecca and that's when I lost interest in the project, So when the role of Enid opened up, I just told Terry I was going to do it, period. If I were the director and an actress did that, I'd be like, NEXT!" (LE/WNWCAN/IG)
Source: WENN
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