Date: 24th July 2001
Movie star REESE WITHERSPOON had to undergo four weeks of intensive training so she could get into "bikini shape" for her new film LEGALLY BLONDE (2001).
The pretty actress admits she had never stepped inside a gym before her role in Legally Blonde but was so thrilled with her sexy sleek look in the film she's keen to keep the pounds off. She says,
"I had to wear a bathing suit and so the studio hired me a trainer, who busted my butt so I was in bikini shape. He spent four weeks working me hard. I realised that it makes me happy to eat chocolate and cookies and cake but you have to do something to stay in shape. I was doing a lot of running and I was feeling real good. "
Reese only wishes she were more like her naturally svelte Legally Blonde co-star SELMA BLAIR, "She's a naturally thin person - she's very blessed. " (KL&JXM/WN/ES)
Source: WENN
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