Date: 16th November 2000

When "Success" Isn't

Executives of ONdigital, Britain's terrestrial digital broadcasting company, admitted Wednesday that they may have fudged a bit when they initially announced that the launch of their service was a success.

Their remarks came in a case brought by a former executive of ONdigital after the company fired him and refused to pay a launch bonus and one-year payment bonus totaling $160,000.

The executives argued that the executive, John Egan, was to be paid only if the launch was successful. But Nigel Walmsley, deputy CEO of Carlton Communications, which owns ONdigital with Granada Group, said in testimony Wednesday that "what the company said to the outside world is not the test the company applied or should apply as to whether the launch was a success." CEO Stuart Prebble later said that ONdigital had wanted to put the launch "in the best light to the press" rather than "describe the full range of problems."

Source: Studio Briefing