Date: 9th November 2000

Douglas' Wedding Day Plans

Hollywood actor, MICHAEL DOUGLAS, has thrilled his mum by putting her in charge of his baby son DYLAN on his wedding day.

Douglas is desperate to have all his living relatives at the ceremony - even his "cranky" baby son. He says, "He'll be in my mother's arms. He'll be coming down the aisle, be right with my mom. He'll stay for the ceremony. "He's probably a little young for the party. May get a little cranky after that, but he'll definitely be there.

"It'll be a big wedding. We have over 110 relatives - Catherine's got a huge family, my father had six sisters, some of them still living, with aunts and first cousins. "My mother's got five brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles and also a lot of first cousins. There's a lot of relatives." (KL/WNWC/RGS)

Source: WENN