Date: 5th June 2020

Ridley Scott Says There's Still A Lot Of Mileage In Alien Franchise.

Ridley Scott has opened up about his desire to keep the 'Alien' franchise going with a possible third film to round out the prequel series of movies.

In a new interview with the Los Angeles Times, Scott discussed the prospect of potentially revisiting the Alien world in future movies.

"I still think there's a lot of mileage in Alien, but I think you'll have to now re-evolve," he said.

"What I always thought when I was making the first one was why would a creature like this be made and why was it travelling in what I always thought was a kind of war-craft, which was carrying a cargo of these eggs. What was the purpose of the vehicle and what was the purpose of the eggs?"

"That's the thing to question - who, why, and for what purpose is the next idea, I think."

Source: Press Release



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