13 Going On 30 (2004) - Details

Follows a 13-year-old girl who dreams of being popular. During her birthday party, she engages in the party game Seven Minutes in the Closet. The game turns out to be a humiliating experience for her, and she refuses to come out of the closet. When she eventually does emerge, she finds herself five days shy of her 30th birthday.
Comedy / Drama / Romance
- 23rd April 2004 - Canada Release
- 23rd April 2004 - US Release
- 2nd July 2004 - Finland Release
- 4th August 2004 - UK Release
- 11th August 2004 - Belgium Release
- 12th August 2004 - Czech Repulic Release
- 12th August 2004 - Netherlands Release
- 27th August 2004 - Iceland Release
- 2nd September 2004 - Germany Release