Outlanders (2007) - Synopsis
Following his father’s funeral in the Polish port of Gdansk, Adam sets off to trace his older brother Jan, last heard of in England after leaving Poland when injury cut short a promising football career.
London is a magnet to those looking for a better life - but its surface liberalism conceals a dark heart of intolerance, greed and exploitation. Adam finds his
brother at the core of a crowd of sub-contractors supplying cheap foreign labour to unregulated construction projects in the booming city.
Jan initiates Adam into the secrets of his firm, showing how he smuggles illegal labourers into the UK via a transfer between Polish trawlers and English fishing boats.
Adam meets a beautiful Russian girl Anna who, like Adam, has come to find a new life in London. But he is unaware of the extent of his brother's ruthless
When a death at his construction site leads to Jan's arrest, Adam instinctively protects him. But discovering shocking evidence of Jan's guilt, Adam is presented with the ultimate test of his loyalty. He must make the most difficult decision of his life: stay loyal to his brother thereby sanctioning the murder of
countless immigrants, or betray him to the authorities thus saving Anna from deportation and see his brother sent to jail for life…