It seems absurd to worry about spoiling a movie with no discernible plot, but Paramount kept "Jackass 3D" away from most critics until 10 p.m. EST last night, ensuring that word of the film's outlandish, common sense-defying stunts would not leak out until opening day. Holding a film until the last minute is a tactic studios usually reserve for stinkers, ensuring at least a half-day of unblemished box office returns before the scathing notices start to pour in. But while they're hardly consensus favorites, the "Jackass" movies have garnered a substantial critical following. At this point, the naysayers' outrage has been dulled by repetition, and critics who might have been afraid to admit they cracked a smile at the first movie's lowbrow shenanigans can breathe easier knowing they've got friends in high places.
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