Vampires Suck : Movie Review

Parody films have steadily gotten worse and worse — the lure of the quick and easy buck has severely outpaced the need for inventive writing, good directing and skilled comedic acting. All one has to do is write up an ill-conceived plot that revolves around a current trend, toss in a bunch of no-name and/or has-been actors and let them flounder about with little (if any) direction to be a success in this now-cesspool of a genre. Capitalizing on this trend (actually causing it, now that I think about it), Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer have dreamed up their latest hit and run catastrophe with their eyes set squarely on The Twilight Saga. The product: Vampires Suck. Ha Ha Ha. Get it? The name is a double entendre and sadly it is, quite literally, the wittiest thing about the movie.

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