Dog Pound : Trailer, Featurette and Clip

DOG POUND doesn't hide its despair about the juvenile prison where its story takes place. From young French director, Kim Chapiron (who made 2006 film, SHEITAN), this drama is a chilling walk through a training ground for violence and aggression, able to stand up on its own bare-boned terms to comparisons with Jacques Audiard's A PROPHET, DOG POUND follows three young offenders with a camera that couldn't be closer to the skin. Cinematographer Andre Chemetoff sustains that tactility throughout the film, so the cramped spaces are felt as much as seen.

Dog Pound is in UK cinemas 27th August.

Dog Pound - Trailer

Dog Pound - Clip: 'Milf'

Dog Pound - Featurette: 'Behind the scenes' Featurette exploring the character of Davis and what it was like for the actor to be cast alongside real young offenders.