Madea Goes to Jail : Movie Review

Tyler Perry offers something for everyone, whether it fits together or not. "Madea Goes to Jail," the latest addition to writer-director-actor Perry's ever-growing empire, is, by a conservative estimate, two movies squeezed into one.

The first, which occupies far less screen time despite the title, centers around Mabel Simmons, better known as Madea (Perry), a short-tempered, no-nonsense house of a woman whose hair-trigger temper has run her afoul of the law once again. The other involves the relationship between Joshua (Derek Luke), a hardworking, mildly guileless young man who has climbed up from the ghetto to the city prosecutor's office, and his fiancée, Linda (Ion Overman), a fellow prosecutor of blueblood origins whose ambition is matched only by her cunning. Viewers of Perry's other movies, in which powerful women are frequently suspect, have a pretty good idea where this relationship is headed.

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Author : Sam Adams