Xander Berkeley - Details


In the 1990s, Xander Berkeley has starred in more than 30 feature films. He has been seen in numerous blockbusters, including Rob Reiner's A Few Good Men, James Cameron's Terminator2: Judgement Day and Air Force One. He has worked with Mike Figgis previously on Leaving Las Vegas, Internal Affairs and One Night Stand. He has also collaborated with many of cinema's leading filmmakers including Steven Spielberg on Amistad, Stephen Frears on The Grifters, Ron Howard on Apollo 13, Todd Haynes on Safe and Robert Benton on Billy Bathgate. He has starred twice for Michael Mann in his L.A.-based crime stories, Made in L.A. and Heat.

Berkeley made his feature film debut in Mommie Dearest and went on to appear in the 1980s in Volunteers, Tapeheads, The Fabulous Baker Boys, Sid and Nancy and Walker

On television, Berkeley has guest starred on numerous top-rated shows, and appeared in the mini-series "Tom Clancy's Netforce." His diverse made-for-cable roles include "If These Walls Could Talk" "Breast Men," "Roswell," the Christopher Guest remake of "Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman," "A Private Matter" and the Golden Globe Award-winning "Winchell."


  • 6th December 2000 - Birth