Date: 18th September 2001

David Arquette Shocks With Serious Role

DAVID ARQUETTE is set to shock cinema-goers with one of his first serious roles - but he's convinced the public will be impressed. Arquette, who usually plays comic roles, has taken on the part of a sonderkommando Jew in the NAZI concentration camp drama THE GREY ZONE.

And director TIM BLAKE NELSON says Arquette's performance as one of the jews forced to work in the crematoria of Auschweitz is "nothing short of amazing". HARVEY KEITEL, STEVE BUSCEMI and DANIEL BENZALI co-star, but Nelson says,

"David plays probably the most vulnerable of the four. His performance is exquisite and soulful. I had always felt that David's humour was based on a certain level of shame; that the characters he played in comic terms were always falling short of who they wanted to be. And the Sonderkommandos, by every account I've read, were almost drowning in shame. " (SVD/LADN/KW)

Source: WENN



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