Recess: School's Out (2001) - Synopsis

Recess: School's Out (2001) - heading

The school year is finally over, and T. J. Detweiler is looking forward to a fun-filled summer.

Boredom quickly sets in until T. J. uncovers a scheme to do away with summer vacation! Former principal Dr. Benedict, who once tried to eliminate recess from the school day, now plans to use a laser beam to alter the weather and create permanent winter.

It sure would be tough to have to go to school year-round, so T. J. calls in all his friends for help. Just when the kids appear to be facing their final test of strength against the mad principal, the faculty joins together in order to help save summer vacation.

Produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, 'Recess: School's Out' brings to the big screen, in an all-new feature-length adventure, the characters of 'Disney's Recess', which is currently shown on 'Disney Channel' and GMTV's 'Diggit'.

Created by Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere, "Disney's Recess" was first shown on British TV in 1999 and quickly became one of the most popular kids animations on TV.