Granada Short Film Festival

The International Young Filmmakers Festival reaches its 25th anniversary, not without its ups and downs, which have resulted in a feeling of constant fragility. The happy reception of recent editions forces us to reclaim its potential, but also to reflect on what has been and everything that could be. A work that my predecessors at the head of the festival defended over the decades, especially José Luis Chacón from different positions and as director for the last two years.

The FIJR's programming responds to the life of Granada itself, a window to the most stimulating and heterodox contemporary cinema, with a selection of feature films and short films unpublished in the province that can be enjoyed at the Federico García Lorca Center, but also shaking the streets during the week before the festival. In its second edition, OFF FIJR is consolidated with more than twenty spaces devoted to music, art and the most transgressive culture.

It is, therefore, about imagining the future of the city from the present of cinema, but without ceasing to look back at the past. For this purpose, we establish a round trip to the history of Spanish cinema, recovering those figures that were invisible, such as Cecilia Bartolomé, while with the Vibrations section, dedicated to avant-garde documentary cinema, we will try to follow in the wake of the Granada-born filmmaker José Val del Omar, to whom the poster is dedicated.


Calle Almona del Campillo, 2. 1ª Planta. 18009 Granada


Felix Gomez-Urda
Telephone: 958180043